17th Sunday after Pentecost-September 19, 2021

by Pastor Clarissa Martinelli on September 19, 2021

Greetings on this blessed Sunday morning!
Epistle of James – Wisdom ~ James 3:13 - 4:3, 7-8a
James talks about two kinds of wisdom. What is the first type? Earthly, unspiritual, of the devil These are strong words. Why would it be demonic/of the devil? It eliminates any focus on God, is the antithesis of godly traits, and takes God out of the picture.  
Wisdom can only be from one of two sources: God or humanity. 
What characterizes humanity's wisdom? Envy and selfish ambition
Verses 17-18 describes the source of the second type of wisdom? It is from God (heaven) as opposed to the world. The characteristics of this type of wisdom? Pure: free of the damages mentioned in verses 14-16.
Heavenly wisdom manifests itself in godly works. The character of this wisdom is wonderful. It is full of love and a giving heart, consistent with the holiness of God.
Come people of a loving God, draw nearer to God, the giver of wisdom and God will certainly draw nearer to you. Come, learn more about the wisdom from above, a wisdom that yields a harvest of righteousness.
In the precious name of Jesus,
Pastor Clarissa

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