15th Sunday After Pentecost – Devotional

by Pastor Clarissa Martinelli on September 05, 2021

Blessings on this First Sunday of the New Church Year,

 For the Scriptures tell us:

Whoever wants to embrace true life
    and find beauty in each day
 must stop speaking evil, hurtful words
    and never deceive in what they say.
    Always turn from what is wrong
    and cultivate what is good;
    eagerly pursue peace in every relationship,
    making it your prize.
1 Peter 3:10-11

Blessings of peace come from the Father of peace, and the blessedness of peace-making rests on the Prince of Peace, who has become both Founder and Finisher of all our peace, and imparts His eternal peace by His Spirit of Peace, which flows out of us to others as we rest in Christ and permit His peace to flood our heart. "Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives, do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful." is Christ's promise to us.

May we who have made peace with God by believing on His Son as Savior, continue our Christian journey by walking in spirit and truth, maintaining that blessed fellowship and peaceable communion with God our Father. And may we become ambassadors of God's peace in a world in chaos, social injustice, hunger, poverty, pandemic, hopelessness- through our ministry of reconciliation - through Him Who is our one and only mediator between God and man - Jesus Christ our Lord.

How does one seek peace, and what does it mean to pursue it?

The most important place to start is with prayer. Ask God to guide you as you consider where and with whom to engage peacemaking efforts. the principles and practices of peacemaking infographic.

Peacemakers will be called the children of God because their lives will reflect the character of God, just as children reflect the image of their parents. They will look like their Father. They don’t stop at loving peace. They put in the self-sacrificing work to make peace – just like their Father (John 3:16-17).

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.” (Matthew 5:9)

Blessings & Peace,

 Pastor Clarissa


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