6th Sunday of Easter

by Clarissa Martinelli on May 22, 2022

Today is Confirmation Sunday!

“Whoever acknowledges Me before humanity, I will also acknowledge them before My Father in heaven. But whoever disowns Me before humanity, 
I will disown them before My Father in heaven.” ~ Jesus Christ  (Matthew 10:32-33)

Confirmation is a wonderful, spiritual milestone in a child’s life and one that we at Fifth Ave. United Methodist Church take very seriously. Although confirmation
 is not a sacrament in The United Methodist Church, it is an important marker along our spiritual journeys.

According to “A Dictionary for United Methodists,” Confirmation is “the act by which persons who were baptized as infants or young children (or, because of other 
special circumstances, could not make the baptismal vows themselves) make their first public statement of their declaration or profession of faith. In this sense they
 confirm their faith. Confirmation is performed in preparation for reception into full membership in The United Methodist Church.”

It is the first time that these young people will publicly declare their intention to live out the vows of the baptismal covenant and it is also a time for the congregation 
to celebrate their young people’s commitment to “live as a faithful disciple of Jesus Christ,” and to renew their commitment to do the same.

On Sunday, May 22, 2022 our Confirmation Class will be completing their study and will be celebrating their Rite of Confirmation during Sunday morning worship.

Come join us as we welcome our new brothers and sisters in Christ!

2022 Confirmation Class & Pastor Clarissa

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