April 2, 2023

by Clarissa Martinelli on April 02, 2023

Dear Wilderness Lenten Traveler,
Palm/Passion Sunday is technically the end of the season of Lent
We are completing our sermon series: Jonah for Lent. On this Palm/Passion Sunday as we enter into Holy Week, we live into Jesus as the greater Jonah.
Join us as we explore how Jonah runs to Tarshish and Jesus enters the world.
The person of Christ is not hard to see in the story of Jonah and the faults of Jonah actually highlight the glory of Jesus Christ.
From Palm Sunday through Easter, the world is remade, a new creation, and we are blessed to be a part of it, blessed to receive a gift beyond words, which is nothing less than eternity itself.
You are invited to: Maundy Worship Service, 6 April 2023 @ 7:00 pm; Good Friday Service, 7 April 2023 @ 2:00 pm; Sunrise Service, 9 April 2023 @ 7:00 am; followed by Martinellis’ Southern Midwestern Breakfast; and Easter Worship Service, 9 April 2023 @ 9:30; as we shepherd us through this roller coaster of a week, attempting to touch on the highs and the lows and the ever-present redeeming grace of God. Come! All are welcome!
We give thanksgiving for this amazing Holy Week and Easter as we bow in awe of the amazing grace of our Loving God.
A blessed and transformative Holy Week & Resurrection Sunday.
Pastor Clarissa


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