April 23, 2023

by Clarissa Martinelli on April 23, 2023

Greetings Fifth Ave. United Methodist Church,

Praise be to our Living God.

Anniversaries are a big deal for anyone, and churches anniversaries are no exception...

Welcome to Fifth Ave. United Methodist Church 175th Church Anniversary Celebration as we present you with a unique opportunity to hear the story of Fifth Ave. United Methodist Church’s place in the Beloved Community, as we dream of how we will carry that story into the future.

Church anniversaries are special because they place us in a position of reflection, reminding us how blessed we are to know Christ and to be a member of a church that is committed to the glory of God and the salvation of the lost. Our celebration on Sunday will hopefully strengthen this resolve.

Even though we are thankful to our Lord for building this church, and God’s spirit guiding us these last 175 years, and as we look backwards into history to see where we began and have gone, what we have done, and how we got here. We will not only reflect on the past in a nostalgic way, but celebrate what is to come with joyful anticipation. Only the Lord knows what is to come, and in this truth and God’s sovereignty we can rejoice with enthusiastic expectation of what lies ahead and where God will lead us; what Christ will do in and through us; and how the Spirit will continue to inspire us for service to our neighbors and sharing the Gospel with the world around us.

Even though the future is unknown, we know that God who holds the future is not.

As we worship God today, we sense the presence of a great cloud of witnesses around us. We stand in the tradition of United Methodists whose faith sent them, like the early Church, to the farthest corners of the earth with the Good News of Christ.

May the Lord bless us today as we lift our hearts to Heaven and humbly ask him to fill this building, the people, with His goodness and mercy.

In the love and peace of Christ,

Pastor Clarissa & Bro, Martin


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