Hello friends,
Our E-newsletter is in the second week in this format. It might be a little different, but we want to receive your feedback about how you like it, or not. Please complete the survey emailed to you on Friday, August 16th. At the last Trustees Meeting, the committee told me that the office is using too much colored print. And we are currently paying monthly far more than the contract. The contract says that we are allowed to print 300 colored copies quarterly. Any colored copies over that number, is very expensive. It means weekly, we can print 25 or less colored copies which will be used only for the weekly bulletin. We will try to choose the cover picture that prints well in black and white. If you want to pick up the colored bulletin, come earlier! Then, you can have some time with the Lord in the sanctuary. May this transitioning season be a blessing to you all! This month, I am focusing on a Prayer theme in the sermon, which is all the fundamental parts of becoming Disciples of Jesus. We will review the prayer of Daniel, so that our relationship with God and prayer may be powerful so we could be the “One” person God is looking for.
Grace and Joy,
Pastor Hae-Jeong
Prayer RequestsChosen Bible StudyDevotionalThe Real HeavenGreen Tree DonationsBulletinSermon