July 21, 2024

by Dr. Hae- Jeong on July 21, 2024

Hello friends!

I hope this email finds you well.
There are a few special announcements for this week!
  1. This Sunday is a very special day for Alana Dalton as we celebrate her retirement after the service in Fellowship Hall.
  2. We all received various gifts from God. Why don't we offer them during the offering time as a sign of gratitude whether they are a song, a poem, an instrumental performance, or dance? Please let us know if you desire to offer it to the Lord.
  3. I also would like to visit each one of you as the new pastor. Please choose the best date and time to meet with me by signing up using the “Personal Pastoral Visitation Sign-up Book” located on the NortGod is Goodh Entrance Counter. If you are unable to make it to church to sign-up, please reach out to Aimee and she will get you scheduled – 262-334-2059.
We all desire to live a life that is peaceful, joyful, and beautiful. Only the life of holiness can give that life. Are you interested in how we can climb the mountain of holiness? 
Pastor Hae-Jeong

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