March 26, 2023

by Clarissa Martinelli on March 26, 2023

Greetings Friends,
This is the fourth week of our Jonah sermon series. If you have missed any of the other weeks then I encourage you to listen to the past three recorded worship services ( to get caught up.
The Book of Jonah can be seen as a reflection of our attitude towards God. Stubbornness, bitterness and anger. Jonah is called to travel to Nineveh by God to transform that city. Jonah’s stubbornness leaves him swallowed by a large fish and on the brink of death.
But God’s mercy prevails. Jonah’s story is very similar to our story. We can get angry and jealous. We can run from God. But we cannot hide from God. We need to evaluate our obedience towards God. Are we willing to trust God? Are we willing to be used as a vessel for God’s Kingdom?
So, what happens when you don’t have God’s heart?
You will miscommunicate and be angry when you should be happy. Just like Jonah chapter 4,  you won’t see the world as God sees it and you’ll miss God’s grace for you and everyone.
Come people of a gracious God and receive grace upon grace, overflowing from the fullness of God.
Blessings and Peace,
Pastor Clarissa

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