November 20, 2022

by Clarissa Martinelli on November 20, 2022

Blessing on this Sunday morning,
Even after Israel had experienced the vagaries of kings, the people still longed for a true king to set things right. He would have the king’s title of Anointed One (Messiah); he would be the “one like a human being” (Son of Man) given dominion in Daniel’s vision. Jesus is given these titles, even though he is nothing like an earthly king. We look forward to the day he is given dominion, knowing his victory will be the nonviolent victory of love.
Many churches and denominations are struggling to reach their financial goals and fund their visions. We, FAUMC, are no strangers to this struggle.
But the crisis we face is not primarily a struggle of stewardship. It is crisis of discipleship and what it means to be a follower of Jesus in the 21st century. Jesus declares, “the Kingdom of God is within your reach. God’s rule and reign is available to all who will receive it.”
No one responding to this call cannot remain the same. Falling under God’s lordship would be a good steward of his or her money, gifts, abilities and all resources. We who enter the Kingdom therefore undergo a radical change. We serve a new Master and everything we have belongs to Him (Psalm 24:1). If God owns our hearts, He will most certainly have our “wallets” as well.
Any discussion of stewardship must therefore begin with a healthy understanding of Kingdom discipleship. We must resist our tendency to limit our concept of stewardship to matters of money and finance, because biblical stewardship encompasses far more: it means coming fully under the reign of God in every area of our lives.
Come! Join us for this The Reign of Christ/Stewardship Sunday. All are welcomed!
Pastor Clarissa

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