"God may be requiring us to leave behind the familiar. … God is saying, 'Make room for possibility.’”
This Sunday is World Communion Sunday. This day beckons us to be mindful that when we gather at the table, we celebrate not only with those present but also with sisters and brothers around the world.
Today we can appreciate and celebrate the uniqueness of Jesus’ church, where diversity and difference reflect his glory and unity. We rejoice in the mystery of God and the amazing way in which Christ reflects God’s glory. Today God’s people all over the world are called to the table where all nations and tribes are fed by Christ. From all races, ethnicities, languages, and cultures we are called to worship together the God that offers open arms to anybody. From all ages—children, young adults, women, men, and elders—we are called to join in a community where God’s people live and serve one another. From all economic stations, from all denominational affiliations, from all political perspectives we are called to honor the king of kings who is the only one who rules with perfect justice.
We come to this Holy table to remember; to remember Jesus; to remember his life and his death; to remember that we are now—all of us—the body of Christ in the world, broken yet whole. Amen.