The most critical issue facing the mission of the Church today is the lack of clarity and understanding of what Jesus has asked us to do in Matthew 28:18-20, often referred to as the Great Commission. Answering this critical question of what the purpose for Fifth Ave. United Methodist Church is will determine how to achieve God’s plan for Fifth Ave. United Methodist Church.
According to research, a whopping 51% of all church goers have never heard of the Great Commission and only 17% can correctly identify the passage and its meaning. This is terrible! Even more troubling is that this ignorance is growing with each successive generation of believers. Only 10% of millennial believers have heard of the Great Commission.
This massive ignorance is crippling the mission of the Church.
I need your prayers for strength, wisdom, and godly insights for the ministry of our church. The enemy of our souls would like to silence us because our message is a direct threat to Satan’s territory among the unreached peoples.
Welcome to our church conference; a time of unity. We believe that unity can only be achieved by embracing differences and working together as a cohesive community. In a world often divided by a variety of issues, we gather to focus on the common ground we share as followers of Christ, fostering an environment of love and acceptance.